Chicken Soup Recipe | How to Make Chicken Soup | Chicken Guide

Complete information about Chicken Soup Recipe | Learn to make the Chicken Soup Recipe at home | Chicken Soup secret tips | Chicken Guide

Chicken Soup Recipe

Chicken soup is very spicy and tasty. Chicken soup is delicious and healthy, chicken soup is a good option for those who like to eat fried foods. People like to drink soup especially in cold weather, but people do not wait for any season to drink chicken soup. The quicker the chicken soup is prepared, the tastier it is. The method of making chicken soup is very simple. (Chicken Soup Recipe)

Is Chicken Soup a Healthy Diet?

Chicken itself provides protein, which is an important nutrient for immunity and your muscles. Chicken also provides zinc, a key immune nutrient. Most chicken soup recipes start with onions, carrots, celery; But any vegetables you add will provide fiber, vitamins and minerals.

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Why is chicken soup so good?

Vegetables such as carrots, celery, and onions [which are the main ingredients in chicken soup] contain vitamins C and K and other antioxidants and minerals. Not only does it help build a healthy immune system to fight off viruses, but it also helps your body recover faster from illness.

What are the benefits of eating homemade chicken soup?

Chicken soup is rich in essential fatty acids and proteins. Both help your body build and repair healthy muscles, bones, skin and blood cells. Chicken soup is also a rich source of minerals like iron.

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Is It Good to Drink Chicken Soup Every Day?

As everyone knows that chicken is known to be a great source of protein and amino acids which are really good for the growth of muscles and other tissues. Hence, a bowl of chicken soup can be a great source in your daily diet.

What gives chicken soup the most flavor?

The best spices to use in chicken soup are paprika, onion powder, and garlic powder. The savory flavor of the chicken goes well with herbs like bay leaves, thyme, ova and coriander. You can also use marjoram, oregano or rosemary.


Chicken Soup Recipe | How to Make Chicken Soup in Home

 Ingredients for Chicken Soup Recipe

  • Boneless chicken = 300 grams (cut the chicken into small pieces and wash it)
  • Egg = 1 (beat the egg)
  • Cornflour = 3 tsp
  • Black pepper powder = 1 tsp
  • Cumin powder = 1/2 tsp
  • Vinegar = 2 tsp
  • Green chili sauce = 1 tsp
  • Red chili sauce = 1 tsp
  • Soya sauce = 1 tsp
  • salt = as per taste

For Garnish

  • coriander leaves finely chopped

How to Make Chicken Soup

  • To make soup, you first boil the chicken. Now put one and a half liters of water in the pan and put the washed boneless chicken in it. Then add salt to it and mix.
  • Then cover the chicken and cook on medium flame for 15 minutes. Check the chicken after the fixed time so that the chicken becomes soft. Your chicken will be cooked well.
  • Then turn off the flame and take out the chicken from the water and keep it in a separate plate. Don’t throw this water, let the water remain in this pan only. when you cook chicken. So you will see foam on the side of the pan. So remove this foam with a spoon and separate it.
  • Now when the chicken cools down, cut it in vertical lines with your hands. After this take water in the pan. Put the chopped chicken in the same water in which you boiled the chicken and mix and reduce the flame to medium.
  • Then put cornflour in a utensil and add ¼ cup of water and mix it well with a spoon to make a batter. Then add black pepper powder and cumin powder to this mixture and mix.
  • Now put this mixture in the chicken with one hand and keep stirring continuously with the other hand. Adding cornflour thickens the soup. When you pour the mixture and run it. This will make the soup thick.
  • When the soup starts boiling, put the beaten egg in it with one hand and stir it with the other hand. Then add red chili sauce, green chili sauce, soy sauce and vinegar to it and mix and cook for a minute.
  • Then turn off the gas. Your chicken soup is ready. It is very tasty to drink. Pour the soup into a serving bowl and garnish with coriander leaves.

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